Tag Archives: quality


Best Free Windows Screen Recorder – Microsoft Expression

Microsoft Expression is my personal favorite screen capture program for Windows. It may have an extra step (encoding the recording) but the final product is perfect as you’ll see in the sample recording at the end of the video. The free version is almost as good as the Pro version. The main difference is that you can only record 10 minute segments with the free version whereas with Pro, you can record for an unlimited amount of time; absolutely not worth the $199 price tag.

Encode a wide array of video file formats, stream live from webcams and camcorders or screen capture your PC. Make simple edits to video files and enhance your media with overlays and advertising. Choose encoding settings, choose from a range of player templates and publish rich media experiences

Customize your video to guarantee viewers a rich, pixel-perfect media experience. Expression Encoder allows you to add simple cuts to any clip, titles, pre-roll and post-roll advertising, captions, metadata and more. Capture computer screen activity for training or support needs.

Delivering a web-ready Silverlight experience is easy. Import QuickTime, AVI, MPEG, and other formats into Expression Encoder, leverage the latest quality and speed improvements to the VC-1 codec, choose your favorite Silverlight template, and publish directly to your web server using Expression Encoder Publishing Plug-ins.

Microsoft Expression 4 overview: http://www.microsoft.com/expression/products/Encoder4_Overview.aspx
Microsoft Expression 4 Free download: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=24601

How many screen recording programs (free or paid) have you tried to use before?

display recorder

Display Recorder – Record iPhone, iPod touch, iPad Screen in HD with Audio

Display Recorder, developed by Ryan Petrich and available for $4.99 from the Cydia Store, allows you to record your iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad’s display. This app is terrific if you want to record your device’s display for a YouTube video, send a video of your recorded display to a friend, or record a video and download it to your computer so that you can edit it, such as what we use it for.

Display Recorder records directly to H.264 or MJPG/AVI for amazing HD quality, optionally records microphone audio, features on-device YouTube uploading, adjustable framerate and quality settings, hardware accelerated video encoding (meaning new devices will encode recordings faster than older devices), and includes a web site to manage your recordings. Simply enter the web server address (in the format of http://IPaddress:port) that’s displayed at the bottom of the app into your web browser.

Steps (once your iPhone is jailbroken):
1. Open Cydia
2. Search for “Display Recorder”
3. Download the app.
4. Congratulations! Display Recorder should now be installed on your device.

What will you do with your screen recordings? If you upload them to YouTube, send us the link!

Netflix For iPhone

As mentioned at WWDC 2010, Netflix said they would release their iPhone app this summer and everyone kind of forgot about it and they only had it on the iPad. Well today they released an app for the iPhone.

The application works great and the quality is excellent (over WiFi). Here’s a great video that SoldierKnowsBest made regarding Netflix for iPhone: