It seems this jailbreak has been rendered useless. Whoever was hosting the jailbreak files (Saurik?) has denied access to them. Trying to jailbreak your device using this method will most likely result in an HTTP 403 error.
The original PDF (jailbreak file) was previously hosted at, however, it has since been removed. For those of you still wanting to unofficially jailbreak your iPad 2 on iOS 4.3, download the PDF below (open it). This is the same PDF that was originally hosted. It is recommended to wait until the official jailbreak is released.
safari just shuts down and i see nothing from then.
Try to reboot your iPad 2 and then try opening the PDF on your iPad again. Once the PDF is selected, a new page will open briefly showing the PDF and then Safari will close. Somewhere on your Springboard you should see Cydia installing. Once it's done installing the Cydia icon will disappear from your Springboard and then you will need to reboot the iPad. Once it's rebooted you should have Cydia fully installed on your iPad 2 running iOS 4.3.
I'm assuming it already installed Cydia but it was on a page on your Springboard that you weren't viewing at the time. So you didn't see Cydia install and once it was done, the icon was removed (as it should have been). So just try to reboot and see if Cydia is installed.
Mine just went wite when I clicked on it what do I do
As it says at the top of the post, "It seems this jailbreak has been rendered useless. Whoever was hosting the jailbreak files (Saurik?) has denied access to them. Trying to jailbreak your device using this method will most likely result in an HTTP 403 error."
This download is a fake or what?
Nothing happens when opened?
Definitely NOT a fake. Remember, you have to open this in Safari on your iPad 2 and it must be running iOS 4.3. This jailbreak will not work on anything other than iOS 4.3.
Well not sure what to make of it as I went against e advice and ran the pdf, the browser was just closing and nothing happening, cydia icon did not apear at all, even after reboot. i have a 64gig 3G ipad running 4.3 firmware..
The worry now is if this installed melicious code? As for some reason Itunes keep asking for password randomly, im not even in app store, any way i can reset to before I opened this pdf?
Http response code 403
Well HTTP 403 is returned by a server when a user requests something that the server does not allow them to. All I can say make sure it's an iPad 2 and that it's running iOS 4.3 (NOT 4.3.1, 4.3.2 4.3.3).
Even me but they say instead of 403, they say 404
It gives me an error message right before Cydia installs, but I am able to see the icon.
What does the message say? Is Cydia functioning; can you open it?
yes i am also getting same error
I also am getting same error. I am on 4.3 and I have black 64gb wifi only version. I heard that Saurek blocked it somehow for people who are still trying to do it this way.
I haven't heard that about Saurik but I suppose it's possible if the PDF is scraping the jailbreak files from Saurik's servers.
I've tried to rejailbreak my iPad 2 and am getting HTTP 403, as well. I'm convinced Saurik (or whoever is hosting the files) has blocked access to the jailbreak files. Thanks for the info :D
Hello, I was wondering if iOS 4.3 also includes 4.3.2 8h7. Thanks
No, iOS 4.3 is 4.3 ONLY, not 4.3.x. Like the warning says, though, this jailbreak no longer works.
When i click the pdf file it reboots my ipad 2 then when i go back to safari i click the file again then it says error cannot download the jailbreak files. HELP!!!!!!!!
You question has already been addressed in the article.
same http error
я не жалею что посмотрела
DOs it work at 4.3.5
dos it work at 4.3.5
I have a 4.3.5 ipad 2. What do I need to do to jailbreak it?
They say http response code 404
They send error to instal jailbreak but i see the icon