Tag Archives: Data

file compression

Understanding File Compression

We use the internet to send and transfer all kinds of files and information. From audio, video, textual, and photographic images, any kind of information that can be created digitally can be sent over the internet. Nowadays, this is a regular process that people do not think much about, even when they send large files. The internet used to work very slowly, and today thanks to better technology, we can send this volume of information across the internet infrastructure with very little concern. Sometimes though, we need to be concerned about the size of files because internet bandwidth is not limitless. Compression is a way that large files can be made more manageable.

File compression is essentially about efficiency. A computer’s software will examine a file’s coding and search for redundancies in the code itself. What this results in is a smaller file size, since the redundancies are removed. A good way to think about this is to look at the way a paragraph is constructed. A software file will have many lists of the same kind of information that repeat, much in the way that a paragraph will repeat many words. The software uses an algorithm find one piece of information and allow that software to use that one piece of information every time it is needed. Thus, a paragraph would only need to use a repeated word once if it was compressed.

Although file compression is used more frequently in image formats, any file is capable of being compressed. Audio, video, and image files are more suited to being compressed, however, because of the way that their information is displayed, which relies on human interpretation for their reconstruction. For instance, there may not be much visible difference in a photograph that has been compressed to the naked eye if the resolution on that image has not been increased. A closer examination might reveal it. Because of their large sizes, media files need compression to reduce their size and make them more manageable in terms of memory.

File compression comes in two very distinct flavors: lossy and lossless. Lossless compression involves a process where the software breaks apart the pieces of a file into more manageable parts. As the term indicates, nothing is really lost. The file is merely disassembled to make it easier to move, much like breaking down a bed when someone is moving. Moving the entire bed takes too much energy and resources. The software then reassembles the file identically after it has been transferred. This is called decompression is most often used for sending applications and files that need to be identical to how they were before they were sent.

Lossy compression, on the other hand, does involve some loss of information. Lossy compression seeks out redundancies, and the results of lossy compression are most evident in image files like photographs. The loss of data will look like added pixelation and overall loss of sharpness to the image. Lossy compression is great when quality is not so much of a concern.

By understanding file compression, one can get a better handle on the kinds of files that benefit from the two kinds of compression. Since most of us send large files over the internet, using compression to get the results we want from our media needs can make us more productive.

This article was submitted through TechGeec’s article submission form.

jailbreak backup

How to Backup Jailbreak Apps, Tweaks, Data

Backing up jailbreak data has always been an issue for those of us who have jailbroken iPhones, iPod touches, or iPads. Luckily there are a few ways to backup this data and have it easily restored the next time you have to re-jailbreak your device.

AptBackup [FREE] – This app is extremely simple and minimal. You tap a button that says “Backup” your data is automatically stored in a list. When you want to restore that data you tap the “Restore” button and it will re-download all of the jailbroken packages that you had before. The problem with this app, however, is that you must restore from a backup which means you won’t be able to have a fresh, clean, new iOS version. You’ll always have your left over junk data which bogs down your device. I have had issues with this app in the past not re-installing jailbreak data which is one of the reasons I no longer use it.

xBackup [$1.50] – This app is very similar to AptBackup in that it is very simple and minimal. The difference, though, is that xBackup will backup your data list to their servers so that you can do a clean restore on your device and start fresh.

PKGBackup [$9.99] – PKGBackup is my personal favorite as it provides many unique and useful features. The price is relatively high for a jailbreak app but given it’s usefulness it is well worth it. You can send your backups to Dropbox or any other cloud storage and you can schedule backups. Many other features are present and are shown in the video.

All three of these apps are available on default repositories so there is no need to add any sources.

Question: Have you used any of these apps before. If you have, which one, and if not, which one will you be trying?

Data Processing - red

Data Processing: Size Matters

An article about University of Illinois signing a $188 million supercomputer deal with Cray Inc. came out this month and a lot of people were amazed by the huge amount of data that these supercomputers can process. Computer processing is growing incredibly fast as the university is using 1.5 petabytes of information each day and a capacity of 500 petabytes.

500 petabytes! If you have no inkling of how enormous that data is, you can start computing in quadrillion bytes. Search engines like Google process an approximate of 24 petabytes every single day; that should give you an idea of how big a petabyte is.

But that is nothing compared to what IBM is planning to launch for Netherlands’ Foundation for Research in Astronomy. The $2.1 billion deal is talking not about supercomputers but about “exascale” computers. An exascale compute is a machine that can process an exabyte of data each day. And what is an exabyte? Just about 1000 petabytes; yes, start multiplying quadrillion bytes by one thousand.

You probably know how much information is being processed in the internet on a daily basis. Well, an exabyte is twice as much that information. Colossal is an understatement! But it appears mankind isn’t happy with that yet, we’re just getting started.

The National Security Agency is planning to build a $2 billion facility in Utah that will process and store the entire agency’s data. We’re talking yottabyte of information to be stored in this facility. What is a yottabyte you may ask? It’s just equivalent to quadrillion gigabytes and just about the ceiling for data measurement (for now) as no word has been coined yet for the next higher degree. With this staggering amount of data comes a plan for a highly productive computer that can execute a petaflop. Petaflop is a term coined for quadrillion operations in a second.

These are indeed mind-blowing pieces of information and some people might be thinking what kind of technology these computer makers will be using to be able to efficiently process data as big as the ones previously mentioned. The power alone is staggering – 200 megawatts – which can power up to 200,000 homes. So how on earth can an enormous and yet efficient machine be built and maintained?

Knowing that the more data you store in your computer means using up essential resources that if depleted, may mean poor performance, it would be interesting to see how the abovementioned projects will come to life. When it comes to data processing, size does matters and you’ve probably had a dose of irritating problems that come with processing huge amounts of data.

Just think that with personal computers, many users already experience poor PC performance with just hundreds and maybe less gigabytes of data. Some users often find themselves using optimization tools such as PC Speed Up to improve their computer’s speed and performance.

Now we’re talking thousands and quadrillions of gigabytes. It’s safe to assume that these supercomputers and exascale computers will have (should have) their own built-in optimization tools so as to avoid performance issues in the future.

This article was submitted through TechGeec’s article submission form.


Verizon to Offer $30 Unlimited Data Plan for iPhone 4

The Wall Street Journal recently reported their conversation with Verizon Wireless COO and soon-to-be CEO, Lowell McAdam, regarding the iPhone 4 data plan:

“I’m not going to shoot myself in the foot,” he said. Not offering an unlimited plan would put up a barrier for customers who might otherwise switch from AT&T, he said. The country’s No. 2 carrier still has millions of subscribers grandfathered into unlimited plans they signed up for before AT&T switched to tiered pricing last summer.

But you’d better act fast. Speaking later Tuesday morning, Mr. McAdam said the iPhone unlimited plan will be a temporary offer and that the carrier will follow AT&T’s move to tiered pricing in the not too distant future.

Asthe iPhone 4′s data plan pricing is now confirmed, TechGeec will have full coverage of Verizon’s iPhone which will be released February 10.

iPhone Spy Stick – How An iPhone Spy Stick Can Recover Deleted Data

It might have happened in the past, or it’s bound to happen in the future — at some point you will accidentally delete an important text message from your iPhone.   When this happens, and you are franticly looking for a way to retrieve the data from your iPhone, what options do you have?

Are there really any “quick and easy” ways to recover text messages on an iPhone that were accidentally deleted?  The good news is that there is definitely a couple ways to easily retrieve deleted text messages from an iPhone.


An iPhone Spy Stick (www.iphonespystick.com) looks like an ordinary USB drive, but the way an  iPhone Spy Stick Data Recovery Tool works is you simply plug one end of the cables into the iPhone, then the other end into your PC.

Using the included software (of the iPhone Spy Stick), you’ll be able to immediately recover and read deleted text messages , recover deleted photos , call logs, and even GPS locations.


No need to jailbreak the iPhone.
Nothing to install directly on the iPhone.
Extremely easy to use.
Works “after” the data is deleted versus having to install something before the data is deleted.


Requires constant access to the iPhone.
Somewhat expensive considering the cost of option #2


The second option is to get your hands on  iPhone spy app that is often used to catch cheating spouses, monitor teens cell phone use and track employees. Even though this type of software is referred to as “spy” software, it’s fast become a popular way to back up your iPhone logs, thus helping you recover deleted data.

The main reason why this method is becoming a popular choice, is because there is no “syncing” or manual back up tasks to remember to do. Your iPhone data (text messages, call history, etc.) are automatically backed up every single day. This means if you ever  accidentally delete  a text message, and then need to quickly recover it, all you have to do is log onto your account and then in just a few clicks, you’ll have full contents of every message that was either sent or received from your iPhone.

In summary , iPhone spy software is essentially a real time personal back up solution that requires absolutely ZERO work on your part. Everything is done for you.  The ONLY thing you NEED to remember, is that you must install the iPhone spy app software BEFORE any messages that you want to retrieve are deleted.


Works exactly as advertised.
More affordable than an iPhone Spy Stick.
Entire text message history is retrieved, not just recent ones.
No further access to the iPhone is required once the app is installed.


Installation takes time, especially for anyone who isn’t comfortable installing cell phone apps.
You must install spy phone software BEFORE any messages are deleted that you want to retrieve.
Requires a data connection such as 3G or Edge.
Requires that you jailbreak the iPhone.

In summary, if you’ve accidentally deleted an important text, don’t worry because now you know a couple different ways on how to recover deleted text messages from any iPhone.

For more detailed information on how to recover deleted text messages from an iPhone, check out this FREE spy phone software resource site.

If you need more info on an iPhone Spy Stick or iPhone spy apps, check out this iPhone spy resource site.