Category Archives: iPhone Tips

Quick tips and tricks to make using your iPhone or iPod touch just a bit more enjoyable with no jailbreak required.

signal icon

How to Theme iOS 6 Cellular/WiFi Signal & Data Icons

Very few (current) themes modify the cellular and WiFi signal icons as well as themes that only modify these icons and I believe that this is because the names for these image files in the iOS file system have changed. Below you will find the names that your icons must have in order to be properly applied by WinterBoard on a device with a retina display. If your device does not have a retina display, simply remove ‘@2x’ from the images’ names.

Cellular Signal Icons

0 bars: WhiteOnBlackEtch_0_Bars@2x.png
1 bar: WhiteOnBlackEtch_1_Bars@2x.png
2 bars: WhiteOnBlackEtch_2_Bars@2x.png
3 bars: WhiteOnBlackEtch_3_Bars@2x.png
4 bars: WhiteOnBlackEtch_4_Bars@2x.png
5 bars: WhiteOnBlackEtch_5_Bars@2x.png

WiFi Signal Icons

0 bars: WhiteOnBlackEtch_0_WifiBars@2x.png
1 bar: WhiteOnBlackEtch_1_WifiBars@2x.png
2 bars: WhiteOnBlackEtch_2_WifiBars@2x.png
3 bars: WhiteOnBlackEtch_3_WifiBars@2x.png

Cellular Data Icons

EDGE: WhiteOnBlackEtch_DataTypeEDGE@2x.png
3G: WhiteOnBlackEtch_DataTypeUMTS@2x.png
4G/LTE: WhiteOnBlackEtch_DataTypeLTE@2x.png

Notification Center Icons

For Notification Center, all image names must start with ‘WhiteOnBlackShadow’ instead of ’WhiteOnBlackEtch’.

Additionally, these images must be placed in the ‘UIImages’ folder inside of the theme’s folder.

‘Theme Name’ → UIImages

You can download a signal icon pack which I modified to work with my Verizon iPhone 5 on iOS 6 so you can see how each icon is named. These icons were made by MacThemes’ user Karoshi.

Download: Cellular/WiFi Signal Icons

Quick Tip

With the help of WinterBoard, it’s actually extremely easy to figure out the file names of every image in iOS. In WinterBoard’s ‘Advanced’ settings, turn ‘Record UIImages’ to ON. Every image that is not themed will be saved as PNGs into /tmp/UIImages. For example, if you want to theme’s dialer, open the Phone app to the dialer tab and those images will then be saved into the /tmp/UIImages folder. Simply SSH (or use iFile) into that folder and those images will be saved there so that you can find the images which you want to theme and use the same names for theming.

Leave us some comments of your favorite iPhone 5 or iOS 6 themes!

iPhone Home Button

How to Recalibrate (Refresh) iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad Home Button

After an iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad has been used for some time, the home button may begin to seem unresponsive or slow. While this may be due to a hardware issue (the device may have been dropped, damaging internal hardware), it’s worth a shot to recalibrate the device’s home button.

To recalibrate the home button, follow these steps:

1. Open a pre-installed app (e.g., Stocks, Calendar, Weather, Calendar, etc.).
2. Hold down the power button until the “Slide to Power Off” option appears.
3. Hold down the home button until the application quits.

This may or may not solve your home button’s issue(s) but there is no harm in trying. If you try this tip make sure to leave us a comment telling us whether or not it made a difference for you.